
Monday, October 29, 2018

Design Wall Monday 

This was a very lazy Sunday.  Laundry, a little hand work, and reading - with my ankle propped up as much as possible.  My Achilles tendon is acting up again and was very swollen up yesterday.  I'm so frustrated to have this happening again! 

On a brighter note - it's Monday and I'm ready for a fresh start in a new week.  What's on your Design Wall this morning?  Check out a few others at:

I have plenty of hand work to do, so that was my main activity while I watched football with the hubbie.  I'm on the third block of my Patchwork of the Crosses project.  The plan is to make a table runner, so 3 blocks may be all I do.  They are so pretty and I'm sure someday I'll want to do more.  I saw a picture on Saturday of blocks done in bright modern prints and they were gorgeous.  Mine are mostly Civil War reproductions.

Another small task was also tackled.  The bodies of all 4 Christmas stockings were done, but 2 were not turned right side out. So I trimmed them, clipped the curves, and turned them right side out - while sitting on the couch with the leg propped up.  The cuffs are cut and I'm procrastinating on getting the names embroidered on those.  I'm hoping to hobble down those stairs and get the linings and hanging loops done later today.  Then maybe next weekend I'll try to embroider those names finally.

The "car" stocking will be for my son-in-law and the candy cane looking one will be for my daughter.  The other 2 stockings (not pictured) will be for their kiddos.  This is a project that should NOT be taking me a whole year to complete, but here we are!

My husband left this morning on a 2 week road trip for work.  He'll be on a job site in Iowa, which means I'll have lots of alone time to fill up.  And I'm hoping that means lots of sewing time for me. I've having a little mojo slump, possibly because of the unfinished projects laying around in various stages.  It's a little overwhelming right now.


  1. Sorry to hear your leg has grounded you: I hope the swelling diminishes soon. Tackle those stalled projects one at a time, and soon you'll have them finished. (Says the one who has moved a project from place to place for three months, and I still haven't worked on it. That said, it WILL be tackled this week)

  2. keep your leg propped up! Cute stockings...stay out of trouble since you are unsupervised:)

  3. I can relate to your Chritmas stocking project - I just finished and delivered to our son some stockings I knitted for them. It was a long project, and felt so good to be finished with it. Yours are coming along nicely. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday. I hope your left is feeling better soon.


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