
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

UFO Challenge list

I've done fairly well so far this year working my way through the list of UFOs that I put together for the All People Quilt UFO Challenge. But it's funny, there are certainly things on the list that just have fallen to the side unfinished, like always.

The September items just didn't happen, but the good news is that I pulled out 2 UFO kits that weren't on my list and worked on them. One was the baby quilt and the other was the snowman table topper. Both are now ready to quilt. And the bonus is that the leftovers from the baby quilt kit are becoming big floor pillows for grandkids.  One of those is also ready to quilt. So I'm happy with UFO progress for September anyway.

Now the number drawn for October is #10, and here is my list. And right there on top is the item I've been dreading all year - getting those names onto the Christmas stocking cuffs.  My love/hate relationship with my embroidery machine needs to be challenged this month.

I made these stockings last fall about this time, but didn't get as far as embroidering the names before December. And when I pulled them out of the basket they were hiding in - I discovered only 2 are done and ready for cuffs.  I still need to sew the quilted front to the back of one stocking plus the 4th one is still in pieces.  Yikes! Less done than I thought. 

They were set aside last fall with the promise to myself that I would finish them before December this year.  Well  . . . it's time to stop procrastinating, isn't it?


  1. Isn't that how it always works with our UFO's? We think they are more done than they are and we promise ourselves we'll have them done by a date next year and all of a sudden... it's next year.

  2. Sending positive vibes your way for your embroidery machine be cooperative. I'm sure you'll have these stockings finished by the end of the month.


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