
Monday, December 17, 2018

Design Wall Monday-Pillowcases

I have the pillowcases done for both families of grandkids.  These were kits that I bought this fall at The Pin Cushion with the kids in mind.  This has become a tradition - getting a new pillowcase at Christmas and on their birthdays.  Last year I matched the theme of the pillowcase with the book they received (like dragons or Bambi), but this year they are all Santa themed.

Check out today's Design Wall Monday posts:


  1. Cute Santa fabric! Love the polka dot trim fabric, too.

  2. Cute! I have pillowcases my mom made me in college that we still use. They are all for different holidays.

  3. Oh I love these! My Mom makes me pillowcases I love them on the couch, I can wash them all the time:)

  4. I haven't made pillowcases in a long time. Might have to do that for a gift I've been having trouble figuring out.

  5. That fabric is adorable! What a great idea to do each year. Kids love pillow cases!


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