
Tuesday, January 15, 2019


While the Midwest is preparing for another winter storm arriving Thursday night, I am preparing for something totally different.  Those flip flops in my suitcase won't be useful during a winter storm but they will be appropriate on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.

I am going on a cruise with 6 other girlfriends and it's a "quilting cruise".  Notice the t-shirts we had made for our little group, although you can't see the whole design yet.  Really it's just a normal cruise but with a group on board doing a quilting class/experience while sailing.  We signed up for this about 9 months ago and it seemed so far off.  Finally, the departure week has arrived and we fly to Florida on Thursday morning - just in time to miss the next round of snow and bitter cold. Yay!!


  1. Oh how awesome! I'm sure you'll love it. I know we really enjoyed our Caribbean cruise and a quilting one is on my bucket list.

  2. Wonderful - you're going to have a blast! Smooth sailing as you quilt on the High Seas.

  3. Oh there'll be plenty of snow and cold to greet you upon return! Enjoy it while you can.


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