
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Group projects

I love making blocks for group projects because it gives me the chance to just do a little sewing with no pressure to finish something.  Sometimes that is all we have time for, right?

Our local guild has several fun group projects going right now and we have a sewing "morning" planned before our next meeting.  We need some baby quilts made for the New Years baby gifts we give. Another smaller area hospital will receive a quilt this year too, rather than just the big local one. So we are thinking we may need at least 3 on hand - in case of a set of twins being the first babies of the New Year.

I think these blocks will be cute for a baby quilt - owls, butterflies, cats, farm scenes, and dots in happy colors.  I've made 9 so far for the group project and another half dozen for myself. These Ritzy Cracker blocks from Moda Bake Shop are so fast to make and lend themselves to scraps very nicely.

We  also have a set of beautiful embroidered blocks that were donated by a member. Those blocks will be set together and then possibly hand quilted to stay with the vintage vibe of the blocks.  That quilt may be donated for a local fund raiser.

And many of our guild members have joined our new Quilts of Valor group and we have a lot of blocks ready to set into tops for that too.  These are just the ones I've been given already and I expect there will be lots more brought to the sewing session and to the guild meeting.

These look great no matter which way we turn them.  I can't wait to see what the rest of the ladies bring to add to the variety.  Even members who didn't join the QOV group want to make blocks for the quilts and we will appreciate getting them.   

1 comment:

  1. What fun! The Ritzy Cracker blocks look great for both projects.


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