
Saturday, February 2, 2019

UFO progress & goals

Being gone in January for 2 weeks has definitely slowed down my UFO progress, but hasn't stopped it completely.  My January list of 3 UFOs has progress made on all of them. 

I've cut the sashing for the RSC18 quilt and sewed sashing strips to one side of all 30 blocks. Both of the other projects are quilted and I'm working on binding them.  So I'm feeling very positive about that progress. 

My February list already has a start because I picked up the Saturday Sampler quilt from my quilter the day before I left.  It will wait for binding until after the ones I'm currently working on. And it's another big quilt so it will take me awhile as I'm slow at binding.

I hope to finish the blocks for the OBW this month and maybe begin to lay it out.  As for the door hanging, I am toying with adding some words to it before finishing it.  So we'll see what happens with that one. 

So - my goals for February are simple:

1 - keep up with current Saturday Sampler
2 - catch up with RSC color blocks (red and yellow)
3 - finish binding Hourglass UFO
4 - finish binding Crackerjack UFO
5 - finish sashing RSC18 blocks
6 - finish OBW blocks
7 - finish Lukas’ pillow top

And I'm challenging myself to NOT start any new projects unless I finish at least 2 of my goals first.

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