
Friday, February 8, 2019

Yellow cat, yellow cat

Oh my goodness - I LOVE this yellow cat block!  I'm so glad I decided to do these  12" Lori Holt cat blocks for this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC19) because they are turning out so cute.  I can't wait to add more to the group. 

This bright yellow dot was in my fat quarter box and called my name as I started to look for some fun yellow fabric to use.  I'm going to use the remaining chunk to make some blocks for a baby quilt that our guild is working on.  So it's going, going, gone - out of the stash.  I know it's only a fat quarter but it's nice to use it up and not add it to the scrap bins.

The rest of the colors in this block came from the scrap bins. I was going to make the ears and tail from another yellow but I like the orange.  


  1. The orange looks great with the yellow. The cats are adorable.

  2. Those fabrics are terrific - what a cute block!

  3. I agree... your yellow cat is adorable! And YAY for not adding anything to the scrap bin!

  4. I love it too!! Very cute! Where I can find this pattern? My daughter is a cat lover.

  5. Oh, that cat is just great! You'll have fun playing with all the colors with that block!

  6. The orange added interest to your YELLOW cat block! I am surprised by your attitude about using up those scraps. We are all SEW different! I tend to be a little sad when the last bit of fabric is all used up.

  7. Love this exuberant bright kitty!


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