
Monday, March 25, 2019

A sweet birthday

For some reason most birthdays around here come and go with little notice. My husband is one of those guys who usually doesn't even say "happy birthday", but some years he might buy flowers. However those flowers just appear on the kitchen counter with nothing ever said - and I do try to be appreciative. And some years pass with no notice at all.  Ideally I would prefer just doing something special together to celebrate.  Time together with family is the best gift of all.   

This year my girls planned my ideal birthday - going to a play with them in the afternoon, then back to have cupcakes with the grandkids.  A perfect plan making sweet memories.  I've been talking for a couple of weeks about going to see Steel Magnolias at the Orpheum Theater with the girls for my birthday.  But proof that my husband doesn't actually hear what I say - he texted both girls to remind them that it was my birthday, in case they had forgotten.  They had a big laugh over that.  So why did he think I was going?  In one ear and out the other!

After the play - which was wonderful - we went back to Jerilyn's house to have pizza and cupcakes. All 5 grandkids yelled "surprise" and sang happy birthday to me.  This was the best birthday in years!!

And I came home to this - sitting on the kitchen counter in the dark.  I didn't even see it until I actually turned on the light in the kitchen to get a glass of water before I went to bed, and my husband hadn't said a word of course.  It's kind of a sad looking plant with a couple of yellow leaves drooping.  I haven't had real house plants in a couple of decades because I always manage to kill them.  So more leaves are destined to be yellow soon.  He told me the grocery store doesn't have much of a selection on Sunday nights.  LOL!!!  It's the thought that counts, right?


  1. Looks like you had a great day. I bet the Grands had fun "surprising" you.

  2. Wow! Happy Birthday! Glad you got to spend it with your grandkids!

  3. Oh Sara! I have one of those very plants. My friend in MD gave it to me when Cole the poodle passed. I jollied it along in MD, then drove it out here to live in hotels, then rentals, then this house. It is still here so far. Pick off the yellow leaves, and it likes water. It will survive in dilute sun.
    Your girls are sure beauties and thoughtful too. Was the show good? I auditioned for it once in Tampa! Didn't get the part but loved the movie. Happy birthday month... tell dH there is still time to celebrate as a birthday gets a whole month.

  4. That's one of my favorite plants. Once it starts to droop add water and it will liven back up. Sounds like such a fun birthday. Your hubby sounds like mine... no real notice of it and maybe flowers, but not always (which btw is also Valentine's so it's not like he can forget).


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