
Monday, March 4, 2019

Design Wall Monday

Green is the color for March for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, so my first task today was to make my green cat block. It's 12" square like the red and yellow ones, and as the family of kitties grows I'm liking them more and more. 

What is on your Design Wall today? Check out more at:

Our guild had a very successful sewing day on Saturday, along with some great show and tell during our meeting.  I'll have to share some of the show and tell later in the week.  But here is one of my favorites from that day - Alice's "past president" quilt.

Our guild makes friendship blocks for each outgoing president and presents them to her at our Christmas party.  Alice was president for 2 years in a row.  Year one we made the tall narrow house blocks and suggested she might want to wait to make her quilt until receiving the second set of blocks.  We already had the tree blocks planned.  Her quilt is finished and she brought it to show. Wow!  We all loved her clever and creative layout.  


  1. The cat blocks are adorable and fun!

  2. That past president's quilt is the BOMB!

  3. OMG I love the president's quilt so much. What a lucky person to have her hard work celebrated with these. She did a great layout.
    Your cat blocks are just adorable with the little hears in them. I like a big bold block for the RSC, to really showcase the colors. Good post Sara!

  4. Those may be the cutest cat blocks I've ever seen!! Looking forward to seeing them in every color of the rainbow.

  5. Love your green kitty with its purple heart!

  6. Your green cat is adorable! He looks like a super hero cat!

  7. I love your kitty blocks! Lori Holt’s pattern is so cute!


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