
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lunch hour sewing & chores

I went to the basement at noon to check the sump pump which has begun to run today due to the rain and warm temps today melting our huge snow pack way too fast.  The good news was that the sump pump was running fine, so I spent enough time in my sewing room working on a green 6.5" flower to add to my RSC blocks.  It was so relaxing to sew for a while. But that was the last relaxing thing for today.  

The bad news - was shared with me shortly later by my husband. Our rain gutters all have extensions on them to push water away from our house. And they were all frozen up and melting snow/rain water was filling up the window wells on the east side of the house.  Water was up about 5" above the bottom edges of the windows, and of course was seeping in and running across the floor in both the bedroom and the family room.  What a mess!

Luckily we had an extra small sump pump, and my husband was able to drop it down into the window well and the water level is dropping. And we spent 3 hours mopping and vacuuming up water from the floor.  Now he is outside digging more snow away from the house in that area, and adding another extension onto the closest gutter.

He talked to one of the plumbing companies in town, and evidently today's rain is causing trouble all over town.  Flooded streets and intersections, and probably lots of wet basements.  We just keep trying to be grateful that we were home to find the problem right away.  


  1. OMG - water water everywhere. So sorry you had this issue with leakage. We're okay so far -- Don was out yesterday pouring hot water down each of our drainpipes to avoid the same disaster. And raking the roof about 6 times in the past month. UGH.

  2. What a mess! I'm glad you were home to deal with it and prevent further damage. Love the green flower.

  3. Good thing you were home to catch the water before it did much damage, so frustrating dealing with water.


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