
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Closing in on another finish

Another Sew Together bag is nearly finished.  I took this photo just before adding the top zipper and handles unit.  So now I'm watching the  Baylor and Notre Dame women play in the NCAA women's basketball championship - and doing the hand stitching to finish this bag.  

Then maybe next week I can dig into my April UFO Challenge projects.  The number drawn was 5 and I have 3 projects on my list under #5: a set of 2 Minion pillowcases, a pillow top with a camper block from Lori Holt's designs (needs quilting), and my large Farm Girl Vintage blocks need to become quilt tops.  Just deciding which project to pull out might be the hardest thing.  Or I could go back and work on a couple of UFO projects from previous months.  What to do, what to do?


  1. Nice selection of colors and fabrics in this bag. Isn't it fun to have a variety of projects to choose.

  2. what a pretty bag... and I'm ready for you to pick a bunny... LeeAnna

  3. I never did make that UFO list! Looks like you have plenty to work on! :)

  4. Great looking bag! I would choose the project that looks most appealing to you at this time....working on something you like always makes the process more enjoyable (and easier)!


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