
Monday, April 29, 2019

Design Wall Monday - Waterwheel wall hanging

This is actually beyond the Design Wall phase, but it is what I'm trying to finish this week.  It has been a "progress free" zone in my sewing room lately. But I did manage to get binding onto the wall hanging I made on the cruise in January. 

Waterwheel is a Judy Niemeyer pattern that is paper pieced and ended up about 39" square.  We chose the colorway prior to the cruise and our kit was waiting for us on the ship when we arrived. Mine has lots of pink and orange with black, so I chose a solid black for binding. Bonnie quilted it with a sharp looking geometric design in orange thread. Excellent choice.

My real task this week SHOULD be cleaning up the mess in my sewing room. I've gotten lazy about digging through looking for things, and then not putting away the mess I've made. The number of WIFs and UFOs don't seem to be shrinking much. And the "stuff" for the bus trip is overflowing the plastic tub.  And I only have part of the prizes at my house so it could be worse.  It's difficult to be creative when my creative space is such a mess. 

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  1. I hear you! My messes vex my spirit. I had done so well to keep things clean and am getting back to that again. I look forward to seeing your finish.

  2. Cleaning up is much lower on the list than cutting and sewing in my sewing space too! You're close to the finish on something tho.

  3. I'm right there with you. My cutting table and pressing board are catch alls at the moment, and I've made little attempt to put things away. Sigh. . .

  4. I spend lots of time (re)organizing The Knitting Emporium, too. Sometimes it fosters creativity if you're looking through fabric/yarn you've bought and putting it together with patterns . . or just neatly placing it in the "to do someday" bin or shelf! I At least knitting is usually more portable than sewing - I can knit anywhere and can ignore the messes I've made! LOL


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