
Monday, April 1, 2019

Design Wall Monday

What's on your design wall today?  Mine has various blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  RSC19 color for April is aqua and I had some fun this morning with my stash of aqua fabrics.  Check out a few more at:

The 6.5" flower block is from Lori Holt's Spelling Bee book.  I love how the aqua block turned out and it fits right in with the other colors.  Right now I have no idea what I'll do with these blocks but they so cute that I know they will speak to me at some point.

The rainbow string blocks have been accumulating since last year, so there are colors not selected yet for 2019.  There are actually 13 blocks in that stack.  Each of them is squared up to 9.5" and I'm thinking that I'll sash them with black to make the colors pop.  These will make a good donation quilt for a child most likely. 

There was enough of this aqua Grunge dot left from the border of my OBW quilt to make another Ohio Star.  These blocks are 10.5", and again I have no idea exactly what they might become. But that's OK isn't it?  

I've also pulled the aqua fabrics to make my cat block.  It will have a bright yellow heart.  I might even have time to work on the cat block yet today.  Plus I need to get back to work on the brown floral bag I'm making.  Sounds like some good goals for the week.  


  1. Pretty blocks! Love the color this month!

  2. Your flower blocks are so cute! But I love that grunge polka dot star.

  3. Great blocks. I especially like the fabric you're using for the leaves and stems: it adds dimension.

  4. Oh I love the aqua flower. It is Spring but still too cold for April. This cheerful flower is exactly what I needed to lift my spirits :-)

  5. Aqua is my favorite! Love the flower blocks. They will look great sashed with black in whatever design you come up with later.


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