
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

My social media vent of the month

Over the weekend, some person (pest, hacker, cyber criminal) posted comments in an unidentified Asian language onto 9 of my blog posts.  Five of the comments were on separate posts from March. But 2 of the comments went onto posts from 2012 and 2 more onto posts from 2011.  I've had this happen before, sometimes in an Asian language and sometimes in an Arabic language.  Very frustrating to be targeted. 

I found them all (hopefully) and deleted them, then deleted the emails that come from Blogger to notify me of a new comment.  Since all of the words were live links I was careful NOT to click on any of those words.  But I have to admit that I'm always curious about the real purpose of these.

Are they hiding criminal communications?  Are they attempting to get me to click on the link and by doing so to install some kind of malware on my computer that could steal my identity or clean out my band account?  

By hiding these on posts from past years or past months, it suggests immediately that the motive has to be criminal.  I'm just thankful that Blogger sends me an email each time someone leaves a comment so that I know where to look to delete them.  As if we don't have enough criminals lurking in our own communities, now we have to worry about people on the other side of the world messing with us.  GRRRRR!  


  1. I really feel this had gotten worse lately. I disabled comments on my blog earlier this year. I still have the 'contact me' box in my sidebar if readers want to use it, but it doesn't seem to attract spammers.

  2. I've been getting a rash of these, too. It's annoying and beyond my comprehension of the reasoning behind the comments.

  3. I get them too, some are caught by blogger spam. I have my blog set to have approved comments after three days.


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