
Saturday, April 20, 2019

One Block Wonder - 3 sides pieced

Three of the 4 sides of my Halloween One Block Wonder are now pieced and hopefully this afternoon I'll get the 4th side at least pinned together into vertical rows.  The black on the top and bottom was a "design as you go" decision.  We'll see how wide this quilt turns out and maybe I'll add black to the sides too.  

On the left side (about center) I have pinned a half hexie to overlap the panel. I'll do 1 or 2 on the right side too but maybe toward the top half. Both the bottom and top sections overlap the panel rather than being cut off for a straight seam to join them.  I may actually hand applique those sections to the panel.  That big polka dot edge on the panel just peeks through in places, and that is what I was hoping would happen. 

No sewing is likely to happen tomorrow as we'll be going to one of the daughter's for Easter.  I need to get some laundry done today, and make some deviled eggs for tomorrow.  

I've linked to Design Wall Monday. Go check out more:


  1. very nice...never did a OBW myself but liking the look of this very much!

  2. Now THIS is a OBW that I can wrap my head around!! Incorporating a panel and using your blocks for a border makes SEW much more sense to me (than an entire quilt of this type.) Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love this! A fellow guild member is going to do a class on this over the summer this year. I'm looking forward to it. Hope I can find as inspirational a panel as you did! Beautiful!


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