
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Quilts of Valor

A sub-group of us from the local guild formed a Quilts of Valor group  (Prairie Winds Quilters) last winter, and we've been working on quilts made from blocks donated by members of the whole guild.  We've done a couple of quilts already made from the Garlic Knot blocks but knew we had enough to make at least one more.  A couple of weeks ago we tried to have a "sew day" in the morning before our guild meeting. But no one was able to come.  Last Friday was another attempt to sew during an open classroom day at The Pin Cushion.  But I was the only person able to come.  So I worked on putting together this top myself, and got this much done (top photo).  

To finish this I needed 5 sections with 2 red and 1 blue block.  But I was short a few red blocks - until this morning.  I dug out all of the blocks we had left, and finally decided I needed to make just 4 more red blocks.  I actually made 5, and used 4 of them.  Those right side rows aren't sewn together yet, but maybe later this week it will happen.  In making a bigger effort to NOT leave half finished things lying around, I just felt that I needed to get this top done even though it isn't my "personal" project.  But it was sitting in my house waiting to be done, so I'll keep plugging away at it. 

Our guild members have made lots and lots of blocks for Quilts of Valor so far.  They are a generous and giving group of ladies, but not all of the blocks made the grade.  For example, here are the first 3 blocks I made this morning.  See that bottom one?  It reads PINK when you step away, even though it's a red/white dot.  I discarded it into my orphan blocks where it may get used in something else some day. 

And this is an example of another discarded block.  Not thrown away - just set aside for now.  There were 3 red blocks that had seams so poorly aligned that the blocks were crooked.  These 3 might be salvaged if taken apart and remade.  

We have another dozen blocks that are too small by at least half an inch.  I think those could become some nice patriotic table runners or something.  The blocks are too nice to not use somewhere. 

I'm really hoping that as we go along we'll be able to get more people together to sew these Quilts of Valor, because I know the ladies want to do that.  We have a large bag full of patriotic Ritzy Cracker blocks to start on next.      

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! I know the frustration of receiving subpar blocks. I learned to pick a block that was larger than needed which could be sized so all blocks would work. The time spent trimming was nothing compare to ripping, resewing, or even making new blocks. I hope your members make an effort to attend QOV sewtime so it's not just you working.


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