
Friday, May 24, 2019

Results don't always match the plan

A good plan doesn't always work out as well as you hope does it?  I really felt these Saturday Sampler blocks needed orange sashing to "pull out" the bits of orange in the green print and the black print.  Black sashing just made it way too dark, so orange it is. 

Now that 4 of the 6 rows are sashed, and I have a chance to really look at it I'm not so sure I like it.  Up close and personal, the orange looks pretty good, but laying it out on the floor and stepping away gave me a whole different perspective. That orange really overpowers the blocks.  

However - I'm NOT going to take this all apart and waste that fabric. So I'll finish the last 2 rows, and then looks for an outer border fabric that might tie it together better.  

And then I can get to work on my other version of this Saturday Sampler, with the pink, black and turquoise.  I'm doing a layout with no sashing for that one.  


  1. I like it. Kind of like looking throgh a snow fence. (how appropriate, for the past winter/spring we've had).

  2. Maybe thinner sashing? Cut down the middle of the sashing and then sew back together with quarter inch seam allowance (thus making sashing half inch thinner)? Unconventional... I know...

  3. I like moosecraft's idea. The orange will still pop but not "in a your face" way.

  4. The orange does make a statement but when you find the perfect border fabric, that should tame it down a bit.

  5. The sashing may have taken over, but I still like the result!

  6. Yes the orange makes a statement...I don't care for it...but that is just me :)


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