
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Saturday Sampler - final blocks

We can see the finish line of another Saturday Sampler.  This one has been a mystery quilt.  Yesterday we got the final clues to finish our blocks and also got the layout options. There were 11 different layouts in this pattern!!  Since I'm working on 2 different color combinations I'll end up with 2 quilts and I'm thinking right now that I need to choose different layouts for each. 

My Halloween fabrics are so fun, and both the green and the black have a touch of orange, so I'm thinking orange sashing might be perfect for this. We'll see.  I have 5 blocks done, and the other 19 just need one last triangle sewn onto a corner.  Then I can start to play with the layouts before making a decision.

I have 4 blocks made with the pink, turquoise, and black version and I'm choosing to go with no sashing on that one. I'll show you those blocks another day. 


  1. A fun mystery block. I'm eager to see the various settings/layouts. It's nice to have a choice. Orange sashing would be fun, I think.

  2. Wow who woulda thought? They turned out great!


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