
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Almost ready for borders

I have one final sashing piece to add to the last row.  And then I can sew the last 2 rows onto the quilt top of my Halloween version of Saturday Sampler.  The borders are ready to attach once the rest of the top is done.  I'm going to miter the borders because they are a wide border print.  

My cousin says it makes her think of a snow fence - which makes sense to any of us who live in the northern part of the country.  LOL  I'm hoping the borders tone down that snow fence look a bit but we'll see.  

I'm determined to have this Saturday Sampler top ready to quilt BEFORE leaving on the guild bus trip shop hop next Friday morning.  It's good to have a goal, right?

1 comment:

  1. Snow fence...yes. It is certainly bright! :) Always good to have a goal!


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