
Monday, June 24, 2019

Road trip by the numbers

One bus, 3 days, 43 ladies, 1170 miles, 9 quilt shops - and lots of fun. Our guild-sponsored bus trip shop hop is now in the rear view mirror.  We made a circuit from Mitchell, SD to the Amana Colonies in Iowa and back again.  I actually visited 11 shops because my dear friend Sylvia is currently living in the area and picked me up for a quick side trip and lunch on Saturday afternoon. 

I've been collecting Row by Row license plates for several years, and picked them up in the shops that had them.  Some plates are from previous years but that's OK as long as the plate was one I didn't already have.  The Iowa state-wide shop hop was also going on so there were block patterns to collect at each stop.  More on that another time. 

Our Iowa shop hop stops included:

1. Sioux City - Heart 'n Hand
2.  Ames - Quilting Connections
3.  Cedar Rapids - Inspired to Sew
4-5.  Williamsburg - Woolen Needle + Rainbows and Calico
6-7. Amana Colonies - Fern Hill + Heritage Quilt Shop
8.  West DesMoines - The Quilt Block
9.  Clive - Creekside Quilting

And my bonus shops were in Kalona, Iowa:
10.  Willow Creek
11.  Stitch n Sew

We left at 7 am Friday and returned at 8 pm Sunday.  Now - I haven't even unpacked yet this morning.  I overslept and was late for my 8 am hair appointment today, and now I need to sit down in my office and catch up on work that piled up while I was gone.  Time for sewing - and admiring my purchases - this evening, maybe. 

Design Wall Monday posts can be found at:
Check out what other quilters are up to this Monday.


  1. Sounds like so much fun. I hope you'll share pictures of your purchases.

  2. So excited to see what you found on your travels. The year mom and I went (probably with your guild as we left Mitchell) was still the best quilt trip I've ever experienced.

  3. These trips are a lot of work to plan and coordinate but so much fun to take. I'm glad you had a good time.


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