
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

RSC - dark blue

A little early morning sewing (highly unusual) gave me a chance to finally get a little fabric therapy in.  I'm not sure why I was awake that early, but for once I decided to make use of the time.  First I made a dark blue Ohio Star block to join the others in my Rainbow Scrap Challenge collection.  The Ohio Star blocks are so clean and crisp looking, and of course I love star blocks of all kinds.  

There are now 6 of them clipped to a skirt hanger in my sewing room closet.  They join the 6 rainbow cat blocks.  And I have the dark blue flower block to make yet, which may happen over my lunch break from work.  Dark blue was the color for June and the month is almost over so I wanted to make sure I had all 3 of my chosen blocks finished before a new color is announced next week. 

I also sewed one of the remaining 2 Halloween 60 degree runners and one of the 2 hexie Halloween runners made with leftover border fabric from my Saturday Sampler.  More about those another day. 


  1. Beautiful! Isn't it so nice when you can get back to sewing.

  2. Lovely! Your collection of stars look great together.


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