
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A mental health morning

I decided this morning was going to include some "ME" time.  It was a mental health morning - or at least a couple of hours.  Playing hooky from work for the morning hopefully will help my afternoon productivity as I face some daunting deadlines and complicated projects.  

First I finished quilting my latest Kim Diehl project and attached the binding.  I'll show that off another day once the binding is turned and stitched down, and I've dusted off all of the quilting markings.  The second project was pulling out the second version of the previous Saturday Sampler because it's become a UFO.  And I definitely don't want another UFO. 

Four blocks were already done and sewn into a unit, but the other 20 blocks still needed the last 2 pieced side sections and a final fushia corner attached.  So I've finished 4 more blocks and added them to the first section.  This makes one complete section.  Two more identical sections to go - on another day, since I have some work deadlines to deal with and company coming on Friday for the weekend.  


  1. Mental health days are important, I'm glad you decided to take some "me" time.

  2. Love those colors! It's going to be a beauty.


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