
Friday, July 19, 2019

Bag kits

Two more Sew Together bags are ready to sew, with the side panels actually assembled for one of them.  The top photo shows the one using the same "art supply" fabric I used on a zipper pouch for my art loving granddaughter.  The side panels are made already so next step is putting in the zippers for the inside pockets.  Red, black and yellow should look good with that art print.  

The patriotic bag needed zippers, so on my way home yesterday from a short overnight business function, I stopped in JoAnn Fabrics in Sioux Falls.  I actually bought 4 sets of zippers to use in future bags.  The darker fabric is the outside of the bag, and the 1776 print is the inside lining.  The little star print will be the side panels and the insides of the pockets.  Blue bindings and zippers will finish it off.  

My plan is to work on these over the weekend while my husband is playing in a 2-day golf tournament.  Right after I make my Saturday Sampler blocks.  Just call me crazy for making more of these bags!

1 comment:

  1. Nice fabrics. By now, I'm sure you've streamlined the process and can make the bags without any problems.


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