
Monday, July 22, 2019

Design Wall Monday

My Monday Design Wall has a lot of things going on.  What's on your Design Wall today? Check out a few more:

It's actually amazing how much I can accomplish when I focus - and when no one is home to distract me - and when I don't have a car to drive.  Both of the Sew Together bags are done except for the handwork to stitch down the bindings and zipper handles.  Those should be done this week.  

I worked on machine quilting this little Kim Diehl project, and only have about a third of it left to finish.  Instead of just straight line quilting I'm using some stencils to mark a little more elaborate design.  It won't be perfect, but I need to step outside of my comfort zone a bit more, right? 

And I got both of my batik blocks done for Saturday Sampler.  I always enjoy learning new ways to do things, but this block wasn't one of those cases.  Those triangle sections with the light background would have been MUCH easier (and more accurate) done as a HST with triangles added to the sides. The technique used in the pattern was more difficult and I'm not totally happy with the results.  I need to make my second 30s version block and I may use a more traditional method to make that section with the triangles and see if they come out more accurately. 


  1. Love the batik blocks! I don't understand why some designers feel they have to reinvent a process and thus make it more difficult to complete a task.

  2. Congrats on some finishes and progress! Love the patriotic bag....and those batik blocks are gorgeous! Outside the comfort zone is looking pretty darn good with your Kim Diehl quilt! Yes....distractions sure can hinder biggest distraction has been Summer sunshine calling me outdoors! :-)

  3. You have been busy! Your bags are great... as usual. Nice job on the machine quilting and love your batik blocks.


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