
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Quick finishes

A couple of quick finishes this week include this little Halloween hexie shaped table topper and an overdue pillowcase.  The hexie topper is made from some of the leftovers of a border print I recently used on a quilt.  I did some simple serpentine stitching around the orange center,along the green/purple meet point, and again near the black outer edge. There is a cute spider web fabric on the back that might glow in the dark. 

I also finished my daughter's bicycling pillow case. I had it all ready to sew for her birthday - last Monday - and then set it aside and couldn't find it. So her birthday gift is late.  I bought this fabric in Iowa during their state-wide shop hop and thought it would be perfect since she will be riding in the RAGBRAI later this month.  The cuff of the pillowcase lists Iowa towns and RAGBRAI is an Iowa distance bicycle "tour".  I'll drop it into the mail for her right away. 


  1. Lovely projects! The pumpkins look great in the center and surrounded by the skeletons.

  2. Jerilyn will LOVE the pillowcase! What a nice design, unique.

  3. Great pillow case for your daughter! Isn't it so fun when you find the perfect fabric for a gift?


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