
Friday, August 9, 2019

Kitty, kitty

For some time now I've been considering adding a black cat block to the collection - because I have a black and white tuxedo cat of my own. Poor Sammy is getting old (18 on Labor Day) and is pretty frail anymore, but he's still my cuddly buddy.  So this morning I finally made a black cat block at the same time I was making my light blue one.  There are a total of 9 cats now, and I believe black is one of the monthly colors yet to come in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge so I'm just ahead of the game.

For some reason, the photos with the light blue both look like I have a cream background. But these background are all white.  And the heart is really kind of a dark pinkish red.  Must be the grey overcast day we have again that effects the light and how the colors look.  

Two light blue flower blocks are now added to my little garden of blooms too.  I had just enough of that blue batik to do one 10" Ohio Star, one 12.5" cat, and one 6.5" flower.  There was only a tiny strip left and that went into my bin for string blocks.  The other blue was a leftover from a baby quilt I made as a gift for someone many years ago.  It's always fun to dig out pieces from the scrap bins for things and remember what they were originally used for.


  1. It's odd how the white fabric looks cream, but then lighting can play tricks on the eye. I love the black cat.

  2. I've had the same fabric look completely different in photos, too - always feels a little strange to see that! Love your cats and flowers. Of course you needed to add a black and white one to the quilt!

  3. LOVE the cat and the flower blocks! Gorgeous fabrics. I especially love the dragonfly fabric placement on the cat. Cute!

  4. These are both great blocks and will make for lovely quilts. Ideal way to use scraps up and enjoy RSC.

  5. BOTH new kitties are excellent additions to the family!! Good thinking on making a Sammy cat. Your little BLUE flowers are SEW cute, too!

  6. I love your kitty blocks! My neighbor has a cat that is WAY UP there in years too so I know what you mean about looking so frail. The flower blocks are really nice too.


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