
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Small goals

I'm setting some very small goals for this week since this walking boot is going to hamper my ability to even get to my sewing room in the basement. Stairs are a slow and clumsy experience so far.  I have 2 weeks of this boot to hopefully help calm down the Achilles tendonitis that I've been struggling with again.  Physical therapy will start again this week too, along with a couple of meds aiming to reduce the inflammation.  Hope it solves the problem once and for all.

My goals will mostly be to finish the binding on my Halloween quilt and maybe venture downstairs to work on those star blocks. We'll see if that happens. 

I did get plenty of sewing time over the weekend as my husband was playing in the state Seniors golf tournament both days.  I sewed both days, then on Saturday afternoon I joined one daughter and 3 grandkids on the midway of the Corn Palace Festival, and then attended the 3 concerts held with the festival.  The kids rode some rides and played a couple of games. And they had corn dogs - what could be more typical for going to a fair. 

One project was the 2 pillowcases below full of all kinds of trucks and construction machines, plus 1 with frogs, and another with yellow ducks.  I can add these to the finished pile of pillowcases I have for gifts and donations.  There are still 3 pillowcase kits left to sew.   I do love to kit these up for some quick mindless sewing.  


  1. Dealing with a boot on the stairs would be difficult - be careful if you venture down to your sewing room. The yellow ducky pillowcase is adorable.

  2. That’s quite a foot there. Hope the boot is not heavy. And yes good luck with it offering a correction once and for all. But you have been productive nonetheless. Great and useful stitching.

  3. I was in a long leg cast for an extended period of time. I learned to sit down to go up and down steps as it was much safer. Maybe that will work for you! :) Hope your leg gets better soon:)


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