
Monday, September 16, 2019

Design Wall Monday - Cutting up a charm pack

Lots of sewing time on Sunday.   I was looking through a small container and found several charm packs that have been languishing for who knows how long.  There were 4 of them in there that I can't remember any specific project they may have been purchased for.  So I pulled this one out to use for Ritzy Cracker blocks because there were 2 of every charm and they are all bright and happy colors and prints. 

I cut the whole charm pack into the needed parts - one is cut in half diagonally and the other is cut in half vertically.  I sewed a few and the others will be Leader and Ender pieces.  I'll keep going through my stash of white backgrounds and pull out pieces big enough to use for these.  Having blocks ready to sew into a quilt is much better than just having the charm pack in a drawer or bin. And these make good "mindless" sewing when I only have a little bit of time. 

Check out Design Wall Monday -


  1. love these blocks...cracker is on my someday list...solids? kaffe fassetts? brights? repros? can't decide

  2. Great fabrics for your cracker blocks. And I agree...made quilts is way better than stash!

  3. Nice bright colors! I need to take time to prep some fabrics for sewing.

  4. This is such a smart idea for charm packs!


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