
Sunday, September 1, 2019

September goals

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge color was posted a couple of days early and is purple for September - and I've sewed my purple cat block already this weekend. Chilly damp Saturday afternoons make for good sewing time.  Purple flowers and Ohio Star blocks should be an easy goal to reach since I have the purple scraps pulled out and ready to play with.  I already have a couple of purple string blocks so I may just pick some other color for the string block.

And luckily for me, the September UFO Challenge number is 12, which includes my Woven Stars mini quilt. Once I get the binding done later today I can check that off my UFO list. So, I believe I need to set some additional goals for September - maybe another UFO needs some attention.  Oh - and I need to finish the binding on the Halloween quilt.   

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