
Friday, September 20, 2019


Thank goodness it's finally Friday!!  My pink hydrangea was one of the bright spots in my week.  You can see a fading bloom on the left, which was the only one that survived wildlife nibbling this summer. But then suddenly we got a nice new bloom popping out - in September - and there are 3 more tiny blossoms trying to grow.  My big white/lime green hydrangeas have never bloomed again in the fall, so this is exciting to see. Maybe it's just a fluke because of the heavy rain and heat we've had in the last 2 weeks. 

Some weeks are just not as productive as a person would want.  I have wasted so much of my week fighting with my computer, which is trying to die a slow death.  All day Tuesday was spent trying to get it to reboot properly and actually allow me to open programs. What a waste of time!!  I finally just went down to my sewing room and put on that binding on the OBW quilt. That was a good stress reliever, but I haven't gotten very far in hand stitching it down. Next week the IT guru will have my new laptop ready for me - hopefully.  And in the meantime, I'm slowly figuring out "work arounds" to some of my work tasks - and NOT getting any more sewing done.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bloom! I hope your new computer saves you from further frustration.


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