
Thursday, September 12, 2019

This n That

I had planned to post this picture early this morning to show that my binding is all done on the Christmas quilt.  But - we have had crazy weather the past 2 nights and evidently it had a huge impact on our Internet service in this area.  Access was finally restored this afternoon in my neighborhood although it's still really slow. 

In the past 48 hours we've had about 11 inches of rain. 7.5" fell last night and this whole region is suffering from major flooding.  Main Street literally had a river running down it last night and the nearest river is a couple of miles from town so it was just from the heavy rain.  I'm personally lucky as I had only a little seepage in the basement and right now my sump pump is keeping up - barely. Lots of homes and businesses have feet of water in them.  The interstate is closed west of town due to water over the road and several other area highways have the same.  

The night before we had about 4" of rain and wind - and that storm moved east very rapidly. Three tornadoes hit the city of Sioux Falls from that storm.  My daughters' families were all safe with just a little tree damage thankfully.  

This has been a crazy wet summer already, so we didn't need half a year's worth of rain in 48 hours on top of saturated soil.  But that is what Mother Nature has given us. I just hope we have some dry weather in the forecast. 


  1. So much rain! Yikes! My family in SxFs was all ok too.

  2. So much rain...glad your family is ok and hope your get your basement dried out .


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