
Monday, October 28, 2019

Design Wall Monday - a finished top

The second version of last year's Saturday Sampler is a finished top.  The colors in real life are actually very vibrant, but you can get the idea in this photo.

I've had that Kaffe fabric for the border over a month but just hadn't gotten around to working on this quilt again.  OMG - it could have become a UFO!!  But on Sunday as I was organizing some things to put into the new shelves, this project box came to my attention.  So after an hour's work, that project box is empty except for the leftover fabrics from the blocks.  I think there is enough of the pink or aqua to make binding.  I may have to use both colors in the binding even which is OK too.  

What's on YOUR design wall this morning?


  1. Kaffe Fassett? He was quite the rage among knitters in the 80's and 90's. All about color. I think I own his patchwork book, too. Your scheme and layout is LOVELY!

  2. The border fabric is PERFECT for this quilt!

  3. I'm chuckling at your friend WoolyJooly's comment --"I think I own his patchwork book" -- heck, I own a dozen of them! The Kaffe print is a great frame for your bright blocks.

  4. You are moving this one along to the finish line! Yeah! Thanks for linking up with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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