
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hitting wall . . .

I was on a roll of creative energy for several days, happily working on the cats and flowers project. Then I hit a wall and any creativity came to a screaming halt for the past couple of days.  Instead of sewing I've been running around to doctor appointments, physical therapy, and other errands in between working. I'm still having some issues with the Achilles tendonitis which is minor compared to what many people are going through so I shouldn't whine.  It is getting a little better, although now I have lots of hip pain and possibly a pulled muscle, which I maintain was all caused by wearing a heal lift in just one shoe, throwing off how I walk.  I feel like I am falling apart one piece at a time.   

I did play hookie from work and doctors yesterday and played cards with some girlfriends. We play Hand and Foot whenever possible.  It was just what I needed because I came home last night with leftover pie for my husband and a much better attitude for myself.  

I put one of my new table runners on top of the treadle machine and added my light-up Jack o'lantern for a little bit of Halloween fun.  Where has October gone?  Earlier this week I bought 2 big boxes of treats for upcoming Trick or Treaters, but I've left them in the back of my SUV where they are out of sight. My husband and I have no will power when it comes to Halloween candy. I've even tried only buying things I thought we didn't like.  So now I'm hoping that leaving them in the car until needed will keep us OUT of the treats until the 31st. 


  1. The runner and jack o lantern look great together. I hope you can get some relief from the physical therapy. If not, you might try acupuncture. Leaving the treats in the car is something I should do.

  2. Here's hoping you feel better soon. I've lost my sewing mojo, but am trying to get it back. I feel like I can't work on my bag unless I have a lot of time, which I don't have, so I work on nothing. I did make a quick trick or treat bag last night, which helped my attitude immensely.

  3. LOL....hiding halloween candy??? never worked for me....sorry to hear of your detours....after 40 it's just patch, patch, patch, it seems...


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