
Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 pillowcases done

All 5 pillowcases for the grandkids are done and ready to put into their stockings.  That's my little tradition - a new pillowcase at Christmas every year.  And sometimes they get one on their birthdays too.  The 2 bigger boys get the golf themed cases, and the 4 year old gets Batman, which will go great with his Batman bedding.  And the 2 girls get the reindeer/polar bear/gnome pillowcases.

This fabric was so adorable that I couldn't resist buying it - back in the summer.  Don't ask me what fabric line it is however, because I trimmed those selvages when I kitted up these pillowcases.  And the selvage is buried in the bin with thousands of other pieces of selvage. 

I had the morning home alone to sew today, so besides the pillowcases I made 4 little ornaments (photos coming another day), and sewed some about a dozen of the pink Hunters Star blocks together.  My goal next week is to make my 2 Saturday Sampler blocks, so the pattern and fabric for them is laying on my cutting board.  Then I can finish up those pink blocks and trim them all up so I can figure out my layout. 

Happy weekend sewing!!


  1. The pillowcases are so cute and I'm sure the grandkids will love them. I'm hoping for some sewing time tonight after work. I have a quilting day at dads planned for Wed.

  2. You started a wonderful tradition! I love the polar bear fabric.


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