
Monday, November 18, 2019

Design Wall Monday

The 2 day class on Friday and Saturday was so enjoyable. This block is a Rapid Fire Hunter's Star and uses a specialty ruler by Deb Tucker.  The process isn't difficult, but it is time consuming and easy to mess up if you aren't paying attention.  We had an awesome instructor who had nice visual aids set up on boards with each step of these blocks.  

My grey blocks are sewn but still need to be squared up to the right size.  The pink blocks are not as far along. About half of the triangles are sewn to the star point strips.  So I have a ways to go with these.  But I'm anxious to get a chance this week to work on them again while it's all fresh in my mind. 


  1. Very pretty! Deb Tucker is a smart lady with all her specialty tools.

  2. What pretty blocks! your colors just pop!

  3. I love Hunters Star pattern and it is on my bucket list to make one. Your colors are fantastic. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy

  4. your fabric choices are so pretty in this pattern!

  5. This is going to be so pretty when you are finished.


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