
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Quilts of Valor display

I was honored to be invited by the local senior community center to bring some Quilts of Valor to display during the Veteran's Day celebration, and to speak very briefly about what QOV is.  Our display looked very nice. 

I took 5 finished quilts, 2 tops, and some of our next blocks.  A couple of the ladies in attendance picked up the block patterns I offered.  

They even hung one of the quilts behind the speaker's podium as a backdrop.  

It was a small gathering with about 40 people but very nicely done with a luncheon.  Veterans were asked to bring photos of themselves in uniform and a very nice display was set up to the side of the speaker.  The local Veteran's Service Officer spoke. He was our next door neighbor for a couple of years, so it was nice to see him again.  And a high school trumpet player did a wonderful job playing taps at the end. As always it gave me goose bumps.  


  1. How lovely that your group got some good exposure. Maybe next year you'll be able to present some QOV.

  2. How nice! It's a beautiful display of the quilts your group has made and has in progress.

  3. Such pretty quilts! Good to get the news out about Quilts of Valor! :)


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