
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Visitors make my morning . . .

A big blue jay has been hanging out the past couple of days at the bird feeder just outside my home office window.  Yesterday the little birds disappeared immediately when he showed up. But I'm watching this morning and the little birds are back and taking turns at the feeder . . . with the blue jay and with a cardinal and two red headed woodpeckers. 

This is the most activity I've ever seen at this feeder, from any birds except the house finches and a few goldfinches. 


  1. Blue jays rarely visit Wyoming, but I was thrilled to see one in Casper several years ago. I've yet to see a cardinal. Enjoy your feather visitors.

  2. The Blue Jays are big meanies and chase off other birds, we get them from time to time here. :)


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