
Monday, December 9, 2019

President's blocks revealed

The blocks for the outgoing 2018-19 guild president were gifted to her at Saturday's Christmas Party/guild meeting.  I think she was pleased with receiving Christmas-themed blocks.  I've borrowed the photo of the blocks from Facebook because my picture didn't show off this many blocks. Aren't these stocking blocks cute? 

The outgoing 2018-19 officers were Evelyn, Gwen (president), Pam, me, and we were missing Alice. 

Our officers in guild serve from April to March each year. Gwen was our president for 2 full years, and received a set of blocks for her first year during the 2018 Christmas Party.  Those were churn dash blocks.  Another previous president who served for 2 years received "house" blocks the first year and then "tree" blocks the same size the next.  Thinking of other presidents, we've appliqued purses, cat, and coffee cups.  During our bi-annual quilt show we do a Bed Turning event to show off past president's quilts. It's a nice tradition.

These blocks are going onto Gwen's design wall right away as she seemed excited to get the quilt made.  What's on your design wall today?


  1. What a fun set of blocks! I can see why she's excited to make them into a quilt.

  2. Nice blocks! That is a really good idea! Today I am designing a scrubby for a friend in California...he sent me a photo of one he really liked...tulle. :)


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