
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Weathering the storm

I haven't left my house since getting home on Thanksgiving evening.  That was partly due to the weather, and partly due to just enjoying the hibernation.

Friday morning began with rain and some freezing rain, Saturday it turned into snow. And we awoke this morning to a winter wonderland.  We were actually on the edge of this system and everyone west of us got LOTS more snow than we did.

I spent lots of time sewing, got the Christmas Tree up, and did a little time baking, and spent lots of time listening/watching college basketball via the computer.  I should have taken a video of my husband, still not feeling very good, tucked into his recliner under a quilt - with a laptop and his phone plugged into a power strip so he could stream the Jackrabbit women's games in Cancun but listen to the radio announcer at the same time. All while a "shoot 'em up" movie played on the TV in the room.  I finally grabbed the remote and muted the movie as my brain was going into overload.  He ended up watching college basketball all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday!! A marathon - and now that he's feeling a little better he's getting the snowblower out to start clearing the driveway - before football starts at noon. 

Anyway - I have 17 ornaments all completed so far. I could do the binding and add the ribbon hangers while following the games.  There are still 3 cut out on my ironing board, but I may dig a little deeper and see what other Christmas-y scraps I have to make more.  

And this morning I began laying out the blocks for La Caribe.  This is a Deb Tucker pattern that uses her Rapid Fire Hunter's Star ruler and process.  Pink Kaffe Fassett fabrics and grey background make for a cheerful quilt.  A touch of spring this morning is OK with me. But the cat was unimpressed.  He finally moved since I was disturbing his napping space.   


  1. I've been hibernating as well. Today, the sun is shining, and the wind has stopped howling. For the last two days, it was difficult to see across the street.

  2. We watched the quarterly updates, but didn't stream the games. I was so excited when we beat Notre Dame as my best friend is an alumni from there.


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