
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday projects

The grand-kids all headed home after lunch today and I pulled out a couple of the Quilts of Valor that our group has finished.  I've been adding the labels, and one of them is in the washing machine currently.  I'm washing them in cold water and some Retayne to set the colors.  Then those quilts will be ready to present, hopefully in February.  We've only received 4 nominations for recipients so far but hope to have a couple more. 

Two more presentation pillow-cases are also on my agenda to finish today.  These have had the cuffs sewn on but now need the bottom and side seams sewn.  The "sausage roll" method keeps all of the raw edges inside the cuff.  And we do French seams for the side and bottom so that no raw edges are exposed.   

Granddaughter Sophia helped me take the ornaments off the Christmas tree this morning.  That was a big help.  And both families went home with "treasure" from my basement.  Mostly the 2 girls went home with tons of Barbie stuff - some that had been mine (circa 1960) and most that had been their own mothers' stuff (circa 1980-90s).  A lot of the doll clothes were things my mother made in the 1960s when I was playing with Barbies.  

Two big tubs of Barbie clothes, some dolls, furniture, and so much more have now left my house.  I've heard Olivia has already spent hours today "organizing" her new Barbie treasure.  I'm just glad they wanted it.  The only Barbie things left at my house now are the very vintage original dolls and some of the vintage clothes that came with those early dolls.  


  1. Thank you for your Quilts of Valor I know they mean so much to Veterans! Nice of your Grandgirls to take home Barbies! That was an easy reducing project!

  2. Good progress on deaccessioning! Vintage Barbies will be special. We are of the age that getting ONE Barbie was a big deal. Now kids have multiples. [Mine had a blonde ponytail. I gave mine away in the early 1990's to a neighbor who collected vintage Barbies. She was delighted.]

  3. The presentation cases look great. The French seams make the cases extra special. Happy to hear your Barbies and clothes found appreciative homes. I gave mine to a little girl at a yard sale years ago. She was thrilled, and that made me happy.

  4. These are great fabrics and the veterans so appreciate the quilts.

  5. What about Skipper? I think I still have a Skipper and my 1962 Barbie, plus some suspiciously homemade (from slipcover fabric!) clothes for them .. Oh. Your Quilt of Valor is spectacular!

  6. Oh, I'm sure that feels so good to have the girls have the Barbies. Mikaela has mine and she loves to play with them.

  7. This is so ironic - over Christmas I "inherited" the dollhouse my Dad made (and Mom redecorated for our daughter at some point) for my sister and I about 50 years ago. Our daughter's 3 year old had a blast with it! Triple fond memories plus more to made as her 1 year old will join in eventually.


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