
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Valentine ideas

I had the morning off today, and I was in major need of a "pick me up".   My brain said it wanted to surf for some bright and cheery Valentine's Day ideas.  Let me be honest here . . . Pinterest and Google are both Black Holes where I can get lost for hours sometimes. 

I don't know for sure where this actually came from, so I can't give credit to the quilter who made it.  But I traced the pattern back to . The picture was on Google when I searched for "heart blocks".  Isn't this one fun?  I didn't see a link for a pattern but it's basically quarter square triangles made into hourglass units and half hourglass units.  Or it could be done with lots of half square triangles too.  I did pull out the project box that was filled with Valentine fabrics - and in that box were some surprises.  I'll share some of that another day. 

I want to do the math and figure out this pattern for myself before I cut into any of those fabrics.  But I think this is something I want to make.  However - I promised myself that the final 2 paper-pieced pineapple blocks MUST be done before I start anything new.  I made one of them before emails from work projects interrupted me.  


  1. I agree this heart is adorable and would be a great seasonal wall hanging.

  2. It's a great heart wall hanging. Love the fabrics, too. I'm looking forward to seeing your version!


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