
Thursday, February 27, 2020

A distraction from sewing . . .

We find inspiration in so many ways, but bloggers have been one of the most inspirational sources for me of ideas and tasks.  Recently a blogger I read daily has been talking about carefully going through diaries kept by family prior to the Great Depression.  Thank you for giving me this idea to dig into my own family memories.

My mother was a "scrapbooker" long before all the fancy papers and die cut accessories were ever dreamed up.  I inherited a couple of big tubs of her scrapbooks when she passed away in 1991.  Over the years I've glanced at a few, but it's time to go through them more carefully for hidden treasure.  These scrapbooks are an eclectic mix of personal and family memories, and newspaper or magazine clippings that she found interesting.  I can't wait to see what I might find. 

One of the first little treasures I found was this letter written to her by a little brother in 1942.  Mom and one of her sisters had moved to Mississippi to live with their aunt and work in the war effort and her "kid brother" (as she always called him) still lived in their Minnesota hometown.  I got such a kick out of this short but sweet communication from a 12 year old kid to his big sister.  I plan to carefully remove the envelope and letter from the page and send it to one of my cousins, who is a daughter of the kid brother. 

I also found a story hand written by the 5th grade little sister in 1945.  That will go to one of her daughters if she wants it.  And those treasures are just the tip of the ice berg as I've only read through a few pages so far.  A few pages at a time is my goal.


  1. Such wonderful family treasures. You are so right to savour them slowly, and great that you can gift some of these documents to other family members.

  2. You should scan them and put them in a blog, then they will be there for future generations, it indeed a labor of love:)


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