
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Essential tools in the sewing room

It was only a matter of time before needing these!  The Lori Holt band-aids came in one of the recent Sew Sampler monthly boxes, and I just dropped the box in a drawer of my sewing table.  Well, today I needed them.  

I "nicked" my left index finger with the rotary cutter.  OK, not really just a nick but I'm hoping it won't need any additional medical care. It was a dumb and careless accident - and I feel so frustrated that it happened on a day when I could have spent hours sewing.  What a mess!!  I left a blood trail all over but did manage to NOT bleed on any fabric which was miraculous.  There are 2 band-aids on very tight to stop the bleeding for now. 

I had quilted the pinwheel pillow top and sewn the back and flange binding on it.  Then I was working on a Quilt of Valor pillowcase for my cousin's QOV.  And there were enough scraps left to make a couple more star blocks and little pinwheels.  I was trimming the HSTs for that little red and white pinwheel when I cut myself.  Once I got the bleeding under control (and cleaned up the crime scene) I finished the pinwheel. But that finger throbs so much I gave up sewing for the day.  Maybe I'll get the little bit of hand stitching done on the pillow.  The pillowcase will get finished some other day.  And note to self - typing with one finger up in the air makes for lots of typos. 


  1. Ouch!Hope you heal fast!
    I am so afraid I am going to cut my finger clean off everytime I read a post like this. I still love using my scissors more than the rotary cutter but there are times the cutter is needed.
    It's so nice to find you, I miss blogging and will get back to mine soon.

  2. Boy that hurts (ask me how I know;((( ) Hope it turns out to be ok...
    Pretty blocks hugs, Julierose

  3. Hope your finger heals without needing medical attention. Had to chuckle about typing with one finger in the air as I've been there, done that.

  4. I hope it heals soon...and I hope I don't do that. My daughter cut herself a tiny bit last weekend...but it was an odd way and not bad.


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