
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

February UFO Challenge

The number drawn for February for the UFO Challenge was #9 and this is what I have on my list for that number.  HMMMM - this will take some thinking.

The purple dresden plate quilt has been laying around for several years as a flimsy.  The dresden plate blocks were on my 2014 UFO list and again on my 2015 list.  Then in March of 2016 I finished the top.  There was no pattern; it was just a "design as you go" kind of project using up scraps.  

Maybe it's time to get this quilted and given away!  The top and backing were hanging together in my sewing room closet.  Now it's upstairs and I will do something with it.

The Simple Whatnots project Cotton Blossom was a Kim Diehl kit from her club #7 collection a couple of years ago.  Please note the photo below is from the Internet.  Mine has NOT been started yet.  It's only 24" square so the applique isn't very big. But I'll admit it scared me off.  Time to put on my big girl panties and work on this because I really like it.  

As for the "Pick a PIG" - that remains to be seen. Technically the Kim Diehl project is a PIG.  But it might be good to pick another PIG to work on that doesn't require as much cutting or applique - at least until this finger heals.  This gives me more than enough to keep me busy this month.  And if I don't finish something it can just continue on to the next month.  Baby steps!!!

1 comment:

  1. the good thing about these folky patterns is if it doesn't come out perfect it really!


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