
Friday, February 7, 2020

Quilts of Valor

Our local Quilts of Valor group is fairly new and I'm finding it's more work than I thought trying to be organized.  That's OK because it is a good cause, but I just hope we can be successful.  So, as the unofficial leader, I need to get my act together.  We are still trying to make arrangements for our first presentations but there have been a couple of bumps in the road for that event.  

We have a Sew Day scheduled at The Pin Cushion's classroom on Friday Feb. 21.  There are enough of these star blocks to make one top, plus there are 8 more to begin another one.  I may try to "kit up" more of these blocks since I still have a lot of red and blue fabric to play with.  

We have 2 quilts ready to bind.  One of those will go to a gal who can't be at the Sew Day but volunteered to do one of them.  I'll bring the other to the Sew Day.   

And I've gone through the other blocks we have collected to date to see what we have.  There are only 8 of the Bento Box blocks so far.  More of these will be needed, so maybe some kits for these blocks could be cut and organized on our Sew Day. 

And we still have small collections of Garlic Knots blocks and Ritzy Cracker blocks.  There are enough of both for a good start on more quilts.  Maybe we'll need to come up with some sashings to extend a smaller number of blocks.  But we should have enough to do to keep a few people busy on our Sew Day.  


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