
Monday, March 9, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Day and Night

What's on YOUR design wall today?

My design wall today has 2 small projects that were made years ago with leftover blocks from another project.  I made the Day and Night quilt (Eleanor Burns pattern) more than 15 years ago.  The quilt itself is showing it's age as it's been used and washed a lot.  But the colors have stayed pretty bright. This yellow was WAY outside my comfort zone at the time!

Evidently I had 10 blocks left over from the quilt and this is what I did with them.  The top project is 24" square, and the bottom on is about 24" x 16".  There was also an octagon shaped block made without the corner squares - just the right size for a pot holder.  The binding was even prepped and pinned to both of these pieces.  And then I obviously folded them up neatly and put them in a bag, and then in a drawer. They've even been moved from one house to another.  Well . . . it's time to finish these - an unexpected goal for the month of March. 

 One of the pieces of muslin from my organizing last week is just the right size to use as backing for both.  It all needs a good pressing and then they are going to get quilted.  

It's kind of fun to find long lost things so close to being done - and it's also humiliating to find things and wonder why I didn't finish them at the time.   

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