
Monday, March 30, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Puzzles

The sun is shining brightly today (and yesterday) and the grass is actually beginning to turn green.  And it may reach 60 degrees again today. Yay!!

No sewing yesterday but I opened windows and enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine.  My sewing room is in the basement and gets very poor light . . . so I decided to find other things to do upstairs.

Four loads of laundry, cookie baking, sorting through a stack of old quilting magazines for recycling, cleaning out one shelf in a closet - and working on a puzzle.

Today - I'm working.  A "pre-construction" meeting being held by Webex instead of in person, and processing more invoices out to the clients are on my radar.  But my window is open and the birds are chirping.  Maybe some sewing and finishing the puzzle will happen after work today.

What's on your design wall this morning?


  1. Looks like a challenging puzzle for sure...enjoy
    ~ ~ ~ ~waves from me to you Julierose

  2. I really should set up the card table and start a puzzle. The eagle looks like a good challenge - enjoy.

  3. We should start a puzzle too! Yours looks like fun!

  4. I love doing puzzles. My daughter and I had great times working on them late into the night. Now I mostly do them on my iPad.

  5. A puzzle has passed away some of the time at home for us too! We are even thinking about starting the next one as we had so much fun on the first one. I hope the nice weather has stayed around for you, it sounds wonderful to be heading into spring with raising temperatures!


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