
Monday, March 23, 2020

Design Wall Monday - Sew Together bag #13

The 13th bag made from the Sew Together pattern was finished over the weekend.  More are in the works as I prepped a couple of pieces to quilt for the outer shell of 2 new ones.  Those may get quilted right away, but will need to wait for assembly later as I need a different color of zipper than what I have on hand.  

This floral print is very springy.  And the lining has a combination of flowers and text. Such cute fabrics!  They were meant for this bag!

Check out more design walls this morning at:


  1. Lovely! Wow that is a large number of bags made, you are at expert level for zippers :)

  2. I love Sew Together bag my daughter made me. Yours is gorgeous. Neat fabrics.

  3. So lovely. I've thought about making myself such a bag, but never done that. I think it's difficult, and never tried.

  4. I agree with the other comments: your bag is gorgeous!

  5. Oh, Sara, these bags are to die for. LOVE IT!


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