
Sunday, March 1, 2020

March goals

The APQ UFO Challenge number for March is #7.   Here it is March already and I haven't finished my January or February UFOs yet.  But forward progress was made on them. 

One of my January UFOs was the Batik Stars quilt.  It's now quilted and I have the binding cut.  So hopefully that binding will get finished in March and I can check it off as done finally.  On my February list (#9 above) the purple Dresden plate quilt is also quilted now.  But I need to find a good binding color.  Again - maybe it will get bound in March.  The Pineapple wall hanging that I'm ready to bind is on the UFO list at #4 which hasn't been selected yet. That means I'm actually ahead, right?


No PIG was selected in February however and that Simple Whatnots mini quilt didn't get started either. February wasn't a very focused month for me. 

Now I'm looking at the #7 items.  Yikes!!  Another quilt top just needs quilting and binding.  And a really OLD UFO that I've been hand quilting on for years. Really - several years!  And I just can't get excited about either of them.  The only month that excites me less is #8.  So . . . I may just focus on finishing those things that are already in progress from previous months.  That would be a good use of my time.  Maybe a PIG will get chosen later in the month.  Or maybe not. 

March goals . . . maybe just getting caught up again:
  1. finish binding pink/grey La Caribe quilt (one side left)
  2. Saturday Sampler blocks (2)
  3. catch up with orange RSC blocks (string, Twinkle Star, Diamond Tile blocks)
  4. do teal RSC blocks
  5. bind Pineapple wallhanging
  6. bind purple dresden small quilt
  7. bind Batik Stars quilt
  8. ONE Simple Whatnots project - cut out and prep to sew


  1. very ambitious month has me thinking of some as well..

  2. Lots of binding in your future but that means finishes! :)


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