
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My sewing room needs help

I have been gathering all of the neutrals and white fabrics.  Gathering - a nice word for making piles on the floor - is the first step in getting it better organized.  And there were 2 big messy piles, ready for the next step of sorting and then folding it back into the drawers.

Notice the label on the drawer above the pile of cream fabrics says “UFO”.  Well - I started this process by cleaning out that drawer completely.  I found a couple of interesting items that I will share another day. But now that drawer has neatly folded neutrals, sorted by medium and light. 

The second drawer will hold my whites, and also muslin.  I’m still sorting those because there are a LOT of small pieces.  I’ve been using scrappy white backgrounds in a lot of the RSC blocks lately.  Once I get the bigger pieces folded and into the drawer, then I plan to cut those smaller pieces into the sizes of sections I’ll need for some future RSC blocks.

The bottom drawer is currently holding random fabric, but I think I'll clean that one out too and use it for backing fabrics.  I need to do a bit of  "gathering"  to find where those backings might all be hiding.  Organization takes some planning but will be worth it to tame the mess a little bit.


  1. Your neutrals jumble looks like mine. Hope you can straighten the stacks and find what you're looking for!

  2. Organization can be frustrating and time-consuming, but worth it in the end.


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